Tuesday, December 15, 2015

You don't quit!!

You don’t quit!

When you know beyond any other’s reasoning that you have found a great business, you don’t quit. When you are surrounded on every side with sympathetic eyes and no buys, you don’t quit. When you have people that you trusted to join when they said that they would and they don’t, you don’t quit. After you have made videos after videos and no one signs up, you don’t quit. When you toil day after day on blog after blog and still no one joins, you don’t quit. When you go to the grocery store knowing that you can’t even afford to buy a decent bill of groceries, you don’t quit.

Everyone in the store knows that I am in a business that can free them from slavery to a job. They are watching me. They see if this thing is paying off. Maybe they are just that dull. There are this who want the security of having a boss to tell them when to come to work, what to do when they are there, when they can go to the bathroom, when to go on break, how long they can be on break, when they can go on vacation…. They are paid just as little as the store can keep them punching the clock. That seems to keep them happy.

I have made an appointment with a guy there. Actually I was kind enough to give him a second chance after he stood me up the first time. I don’t talk to him about it any more. Can you figure out why?

A friend showed me the simplest, straight forward, affordable network marketing business that I had ever seen. I said NO!!! I wanted to cuss a blue streak because at the time I was extremely angry with her and so I was angry with this industry as well. My “friend” led me into a business that was a scam. It was so dishonest that she instructed me to lie in order to get people in. That was the last straw!! I will not, no way, no how, involve my name to something dishonest. Then she showed me Jerky Direct.

Every question I had was answered at the website. How much is the product? I found it easily. What came with the two bags of jerky that I had to buy? A website with everything you need to know is right there. Something this good could not be real. It is though. What about the payment plan? So many hide that information from you until you have already given them permission to take money from your charge card. Not Jerky Direct. The payment plan is easy to fine and easy to understand.

The bases of this business is this. You buy two bags of the jerky of your choice every month. Anything you want to know about any and all flavors are there at your website. There is nothing hidden.

Once you are signed up you can share with your friends. I am of the opinion that if you have affordable products that are universally enjoyed, anyone who is a friend would join just to get the product and help you out even if they don’t wan to build a network of their own. After all, if you had a store in town would your friends buy stuff from you or would they avoid your store all together?   

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