Sunday, December 13, 2015

End Run

End Run

An end run is a play in foot ball where the ballcarrier tries to run around the end of the defensive line. We often use “end run” as a way to express an evasive trick or maneuver not thought of by the opponent. 

Have you ever tried to read through the genealogies in the Bible? I try to avoid reading those. I have always thought that they are important and have a meaning that can be figured out but every time I saw “begat” I “be gone” to the next paragraph. Lazy? I know. 

Sunday mornings our pastor has been preaching through the genealogy in Matthew. The auditorium was so cold this morning that I kept thinking about my ski gear that I had long years ago when I lived in New York. Now, back in Texas I only need that gear in church.  I was so fascinated by Pastor’s insight and information! I wrapped up as well as I could and took a few notes. 

All through the Old Testament, it is account after account of the enemy trying to keep the prophecy of Genesis 3:15 from ever happening. Attempt after attempt was made but the game wasn’t over. Where will that seed come through? 

Eventually the focus point was on the King of Israel. Saul was an easy target. David came next and an unconditional promise was given to him in 1 Samuel 7:11-16.  “thy throne shall be established for ever.” is found at the end of verse 16. This was unconditional. This means that it is all up to God and David could not mess it up.

Solomon was the next king over Israel and God made him promises too in 1 Kings 9:4-7. There is a word found here that is not found in the promise given to David. The word was “if.” That’s right! This is not unconditional. When we are told “don’t” we do and when we are told “do” we don’t. Solomon was like that too. Believe you me, that dude messed up big time. Once again, where is the seed coming through?

When you go through the genealogy in Matthew you see the name “Solomon” right there as big as all out doors! You can’t miss that in Matthew 1:6. You can’t change the fact that Joseph was a descendant of Solomon. All bets are off on that line. Joseph and his descendants are denied the thrown of David because of the failure of Solomon. Wow! Hang on just a minute! Jesus was not of Joseph’s line. Jesus is not his son. He is the son of Mary! 

In Luke 3 we see the genealogy of Mary. There it goes all of the way back to Adam. Come forward a bit to King David mentioned in her genealogy. Did you know that Solomon had 3 brothers? Mary’s line was not through Solomon. Her line went through his brother,  Nathan. Luke 3:31. The seed was hidden. This is the end run of all end runs, wouldn’t you say? There is no mention of anyone after Nathan up to Mary. The seed came through that way.

The enemy could not prevent the virgin birth of Jesus and he cannot prevent any of the rest of the promises of God from happening. Jesus is coming back very soon and there is nothing the enemy can do to stop this. 

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