Thursday, March 12, 2015

Tick Tock Dearie!

Tick Tock Dearie!

It is safe to say that the rapture of the church has not happened, yet.  We see a lot of things that are clearly pointing in that direction but the time of great trouble such as the world has never seen is not yet.

What is next?  We see unbiblical unions that would make earlier generations shutter.  We see the world turn against Israel.  Is that prophetic?  We are witnessing a Blood Moon Tetrad in progress.  The next Blood Moon is April 4, 2015.  I have seen from so many sources an expectation of something BIG in September 2015.  What is it?  Could we safely say that even the expectation of this is part of the birth pains mentioned in Matthew 24:8? 

What is the deal with this wacky weather?  The spring tornado season hasn’t   started yet.  What will it be like?  What kind of hurricane season will we see?  Is this an other clue as to warn us about what is coming?

I have said before and I say again, “We do not know the date the the Lord Jesus will take His bride from the Earth.  When that day comes it will be called ‘today’”

Are you ready?

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Era or Error?

Era or Error?

Have you ever been accused of living in the past?  I know I have.

Years ago we moved to Oak Cliff.  We had no church home at that time.  I prayed that we would find one.  A man came to our house.  He knocked of the door and invited us to Hampton Place Southern Baptist Church.  With that we went!  Southern Baptist was what we were looking for.  Found out later that it was considered a liberal church.  I am still not completely sure what that meant.  The preaching was not very strong.  I eventually found myself staying awake in the service by counting how often the preacher said, “magnanimous” and “oft times.”
We were active with the youth program, bus ministry and visitation.’’

Training union was offered at Hampton Place too.  I was told that it was to equip the church for service.  Funny thing, I remember being told NOT to try to win the lost.  That was a clue for me.

Our son attended school at Grace Independent Baptist Church.  That was where I found out about soul winning visitation.  We left Hampton Place and went to Grace.  I was youth director.  We worked in Visitation and we went door knocking.  Well I was able when my work schedule allowed.  I was even able to go to Bible College for a while!

Bus ministry.  It is not for every church.  It is expensive.  It is hard to find workers.  But when you see the kids come to Christ and then the families too it isn’t so bad.  There have been many bus kids go into the mission field and some become church workers even pastors.  Wow!  How many will we see in Glory that was dirty destructive bus kids?

Maybe I am living in the past.  It would be great to have you along.  We could knock on a few doors and win the lost to Jesus.  We could be part of preparing the local church for service.  We may even bring some loud dirty misbehaved children to Jesus.  We may reach that whole family.  That was for another era.  But we live in this modern error now, right?

Monday, March 2, 2015

Who me worry? (1)

Well, maybe a little bit.  NO!  How about a whole lot?  Yes in deed there is cause to worry.

Monday is Spring Break for some but for me I go to the hospital to prepare for Friday.  Friday I am suppose to get another operation.  I don't know what is worse, the experience or the expense.

Christians, please pray for us.

Come quickly Lord Jesus!