Friday, December 11, 2015

About UFOs.....

About UFOs….

Long years ago, I’m talking about back when I was in junior high school I heard about UFOs. Fascinating, isn't it? The whole idea of little green dudes from who knows where coming to Earth for who know what, had my attention. What is going on??

There are too many sources reporting that they are “real” what ever that means. There is no credible scientific proof that they are from some planet way out there.  Even the reason they are showing up is kept a secret. Is it because it is known but not told or is it all a lie. If it is a lie, who is telling it?

There are those who have actually seen a UFO on the ground. Still the facts around the whole phenomenon are kept from us. The one significant clue is the religious overtones that seem to surround this subject. What about those who claim to have come in contact with these other worldly critters? What about those who claim to have been abducted?

How much are we expected to believe? Or is that it? Are they trying to get us to believe that there is more going on that what actually is? What are they really trying to hide? More important is who can we trust to get the facts straight for those of us who cannot investigate for ourselves?

I don’t know about you but I am ready to open a bag of jerky that I got from ! This is too weird for me. 

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