Tuesday, December 29, 2015

The Other Golden Rule

The Other Golden Rule

Lord Jesus taught us to treat each other in the way we would like others to treat us. An interesting observation I see is that He said “do” not “don’t do.” When I was at my grandparent’s house being mean to my cousins I would be told, “You don’t want him treating you like that.” That was true but that was not quite what Jesus was saying here. He said, “do.” What you would like for your neighbor to do on your behalf, be willing and ready to do that for him. 

There were nine tornados that tore through parts of North Texas only a few days ago. The news covered not only the tragedy and destruction but they told of all of those who came together to help those who were effected. People brought food, blankets, and many other things that were needed. It was a good thing that there were those who were able, and willing to do unto these as they would like to have been done for them if tragedy went the other way.

People are needed to stand in the gap. Not many have the finances to enable them to be as effective as they would like to be. It is good that we pray for those who are in a bad way. Isn’t it better to be the one of those who are providing the food, blankets and whatsoever is needed as well? I don’t know about you but I hate it when someone comes to me for help and the best thing I can say is, “I wish I could. You know that if I had the money, I would be happy to give you what you needed.” 

I have heard another golden rule. “Those who have the gold make the rules.” Have you heard that one? Of course you can take this as far as an oligarchy but lets not. Let me illustrate this way. If you are a member of a small church and can only put little or nothing into the offering you may have little to say when it comes to the color of the new carpet for the auditorium.  

Maybe you are one of those who are able to and do give. Maybe you are one who gives way over what any of the regular folks can give. This is not the case for very many of us. If you need a good working plan, I think I can help you with that.

Just ask me. 

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