Office Reset Part 2
A work in progress but it is time to stop for now. My office doubles as a bedroom. It tripled as a storage or junk room for too long. That had to be dealt with big time. Have you ever had a task like that? Well, this is mine. There is a lot to do yet, but there is more done than what is yet to be done. You may know that I am interested in end time prophecy. I’ve had a prophecy of my own for a while: I had said that if I ever get this room organized and just the way it should be, the Lord Jesus will rapture His bride that day. It is almost that way so start looking up.
Of course that was in jest. The facts still remain: He is coming soon, but while we wait for His coming, we still have to pay the bills. I don’t know what you do in order to stay on top of that. I don’t know how easy or how hard that is for you. For all I know, you may not be among the millions who are worrying today about tomorrow’s financial concerns.
There are those who have to work more than one job. Some have as many as three or more. There are those who do this just because they want to have more money for one thing or another.
My sweet and I are retired. We enjoy having time together. Just the two of us. Well, I better not forget our daughter and K-Dog. We can’t count our little kitty cat neighbor—even though it may want to be counted as well. If we adopted that little fuzzball they may have to sell me in a garage-sale to afford it.
Yes, things are tight but we have a plan. We take assessment of what we have time to do and what we can physically do. We all have limitations—old folks have even more. We have found something simple and affordable. It is Jerky Direct. Just about anyone can buy two bags of jerky every month. Just about everybody knows a bunch of folks who can do this—that is all there is to it. If you can do that, you too can have a business of your own. With that you can make some money for what you need or something extra that would be handy. Home improvement may not be something that you are needing, but I bet there is something can do for you.
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