Front Yard Gymnastics
Sure! I remember those days but that isn’t what this is about.
My sweetie has been seeing the chiropractor several times this month. The pain was very bad in her neck, back and elbow. I am so glad that she was able to get help! Now she seems almost back to her normal self.
One morning she was going somewhere with her mother. I was in the office writing. I didn’t know if she was gone or still home when I headed to the kitchen. It was time to get my drink of Brag’s apple cider vinegar. Before I got there I heard a pounding at the front door. K-Dog was leaping five feet in the air. “Yippie! Yahoo! Look at me! There is someone at the door and I want to lick them!! Bark! Bark!” I had to chase him into another room where I can shut him away from what was going on.
I opened the door and there was my mother-in-law. I came close to saying that I didn’t know where my sweetie was but I stopped and saw that she had fallen at the curb next to her mother’s truck. We tried to get her up. My mother-in-law weighs 85 pounds soaking wet. No way she could be much help. She is so little that I wouldn’t want to sneeze in her general direction thinking that the breeze would send her flying. A nice lady stopped to help me get my wife up. We were so thankful she came!
Between the two of us, we got her up. My sweet dusted herself off a bit. “Are you ok?” She bumped her self pretty hard. I am sure she would be bruised the next day. She felt like she was able to go off with her mother. When she got back home she showed me the bump on the back of her head. “All that work at the chiropractor gone with one fall.” I answered, “No. I’m sure everything will be fine. Just sit over here and rest.”
Well, we took her to the doctor today and told him what happened. “She was doing front yard gymnastics but couldn’t stick her landing.” I like to keep things light. If I can keep her smiling she might feel just that much better. He checked her over and said that she would be sore for a while but that she is ok. We were glad to hear that. He suggested that we get her a tripod cane. That would be more stability than the cane she usually carries.
It makes me think about the things in life that catch us off guard from time to time. Do you know what I am talking about? I’t is a good practice to be sure that you have that little extra money or income to see us through the rough times. We have found the easy way,! All you do is sign up to buy 2 bags of jerky each month and sign up your friends to get theirs too. Everyone you sign up is another $2 each month in your mailbox.
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