Sunday, November 29, 2015

The Mysterious Will of God

The Mysterious Will of God

Have you ever heard anyone say that you can’t know God’s will for us as individuals? I know I have. Some have the idea that God has a plan for each of us yet He wants to keep us from knowing what it is. Can you see how silly that is? When I was a kid and if my dad took me out to the front yard and said nothing, I would probably go back into the house and watch Scooby Doo. Doesn’t it make sense that he would give me instructions? What was I to do, pick up litter, mow, rake leaves…? Sure you could argue that I should know by looking at the yard what needs to be done but if your teenager was as up on what was going on you would never have to take him out to the yard to figure it out. 

In reading the Bible there are many passages that talk about work and the responsibility we have to care for our families, charity, and regular giving at church.  The verse that continues to come to my mind is 1 Timothy 5:8. Preparation for the unforeseen is important as well because this too has to do with providing for the family. 

With my whole heart I believe that it was God’s will that I work a job 22 years to provide for my family. Now at the age of 57 I still believe that it is God’s will that I continue to provide for them. No matter what I believe in my heart about it I must consult the rest of my members as I see them less and less able to do whatever I could do when I was younger. There have been days when I would like to give it a shot. If I worked one day like that I would likely sleep the next two. 

Call me picky, but knowing that I have to do something, I am still unwilling to do just anything. I had had my fill of shady business opportunities that bombarded me day after day in Face  Book. When desperation won out over caution I jumped into a few that we could not afford and no one else was interested in joining. In hindsight, there are 2 that I would call shady but most were just too expensive and too hard to promote to every voice that was promoting something else back at me.  

With great frustration I look at the business we have now and ponder what to do with it. Social media is tricky and I don’t know what to do with all that shiitake. I have close to 2,000 friends in Face Book, 1,113 followers in Twitter, 4,076 followers in Pinterest, and there are others. I have made the goofiest You Tube videos just to promote this jerky business. The video I like best seems to be one that nobody likes at all. This one I like so well shows how that Jerky Direct is a lot like a loyalty card that pays you money for getting other to sign up too. 

I have no conference calls to attend. I have no quota to fill. There is no meetings anywhere at any time that I have to attend. I have nothing to do with any of the New Age teaching that is so prevalent in this industry. All I have is 2 bags of jerky in the mail every month, a website and an offer that anyone can do.

Friday, November 27, 2015

Sugar Crash……

Sugar crash…… 

It was an unexpected blessing when my brother-in-law invited us out for Thanksgiving at Golden Corral. That is a good place to eat. When we go there, that is exactly what I do. It is good to show restraint when it comes to how much you put in your plate. After all, it gets messy when stuff falls onto the floor.

All you can eat is not a competition. At least that was what I told myself when I went back for the third time. He was inspiring to me as I saw how much he ate. I had him on the ropes as I kept going for even more. They had pizza, fried chicken, rolls, onion rings and many other good things. He asked me if the jalapeƱo was hot. I promised to tell him tomorrow. Sad thing was that there was no chicken fried steak. I wasn’t going to let him win. Who ate the most? I don’t know but we’ll just say that my brother-in-law and I tied. Actually I may have squeezed in a win when it came to desserts.  

While munching down, his wife asked me about . I wished that I brought them a bag of jerky. Getting old makes you forget things—what was I talking about?

Diabetes is an evil that many of us have to deal with. I don’t take insulin or any other medicine for it. I “shouldn’t” over eat, but even more especially true when it comes to sweets. Get too much of that and it will knock me right out.

With a belly full of soft serve, cake, and three pieces of fudge …………………….. 

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Vision Quest

Vision Quest

I don’t remember how old I was. Some grown friends from church came over to tell me more about their wonderful business opportunity. I was ready to sign up! Thing is, I was a kid and too young to sign up without parents ok. I was indeed too young. There was far more to it than a kid my age could do. I had to sell soap and vitamins. I can’t remember very much about what happened soon there after. Needless to say, it did not last—but I did catch the vision.

I could see friends, and friends of friends, with friends of even more friends, all taking part of something that could impact the lives of thousands an a very good way. There was a catch. There was no way I could convince enough folks that they should add another $100 or more to their already tight, over burdened budgets to take part in anything to do with selling. Selling was considered to be an evil thing.

Is selling an evil thing? Soon I went to work at a store where groceries were soled. My folks went to a dealership where they payed a salesman to sell them a car. My dad had worked for a company where they sold canned meat products to grocery stores. When we moved to Texas, my dad used his selling skills to sell for a blue jean manufacturing company that he was part owner of. My mother sold Avon for a while. Is selling an evil thing?

I met my sweet in high school. Before we married I had another opportunity with another business to do now what I couldn’t do many years before. Once again, I could see friends and friends of friends with friends of even more friends all taking part of something that could impact the lives of thousands an a very good way. There was a catch. Still, how can you convince anyone to spend the $200 a month to buy all of this way over priced stuff and at the same time encourage them that they can find many others who would happily do the same?       

Through the years there have been many other business opportunities that have come my way. Some I tried, others I didn’t want anything to do with. Still I had that same vision but very few others could see what I saw. One of the silliest things I was accused of was that I was doing it only for the money.

Is it an evil thing to do something for money? We have had plumbers come by the house to work on one thing or another. Do you know what? They wanted money for that! Truth be known, I didn’t expect that they would clear the drains because they thought I was one good looking dude. We work for money to pay for things that we would not have if it was not for the money we had to spend on it. In all of the twenty two years of working in a grocery store, I have never seen anyone fill a grocery cart expecting that the manager would let them have it free just because of how nice they looked.   

If there was a business that took less investment and little selling, certainly, that would be the ticket. Can you see a business that is based on a smaller scale like that? Simply buy a small amount of something you like anyway. Why not? If you were buying groceries and had a hankering to start buying a certain thing every week over what you usually buy, wouldn’t you do it? I know I would. What could it be? Could it be ice cream? How about buying a higher cut of meat, would you do that? What if you had friends over every week to play cards. Would you buy extra for that? Of course you would.

This is the part where I tell you about Jerky Direct. Jerky Direct is based on the purchase of two bags of jerky every month. It costs no more than that. That little purchase gets you two bags of a tasty snack, website, and the right to sell the product or build a network or both. Yes, with good conscience I can still see the vision. At fifty seven I can still see friends, and friends of friends, with friends of even more friends, all taking part of something that could impact the lives of thousands an a very good way, can’t you?

Thank you all for the happy birthday wishes.

Thank you all for the happy birthday wishes. It was very encouraging to get every one. 

We combined three birthdays along with an early Thanksgiving. What a great day it was. Four happy grand kids were running through the house hollering and laughing. I loved every bit of that! 

Do you like deep fried turkey? I know we do. That bird didn’t stand a chance! It was gone in no time. Being conscientious about my weight I put a smaller amount on my plate. Doctor was not happy with the 7 pounds I had gained. That’s why I made sure that when I went back for more that it was’t for very much. I asked who made the sweet potatoes because when I went back again I had to have someone else to blame other than me. It was so so good! Youngest daughter made the very best mashed potatoes that she had ever made.  Our daughter-in-love brought the green bean casserole, wow! It doesn't get much better than that!    

By now I wanted to be sure that I knew who brought what. It was only good manners to have some of everything. That was even more important when it came to the desserts! My sweet made a dump cake! (you would have to ask her for the recipe) That is a wonderful treat that we all count on. There were pies and more pies and the dump cake and the sweet potatoes. There was lots of whip topping and sweet potatoes. 

I was certain that I hadn’t given any Jerky Direct jerky to my oldest daughter before, so I made sure that she and her family had a bag. 

By the end of the day my sweet’s arm was hurting bad. I was worn out too. “Here, let me rub the knots out my sweet,” I would say. I pray that we can get her to the chiropractor. 

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Thore Shroat

Thore Shroat 

It’s that time of year again. Fevers, chills, and the ever popular thore shroat, (sore throat) are out to get us all at one time or another. 

Have you ever had a thore shroat? I know I have. As a matter of fact, I am so glad to have my hot coffee here to help me out right now. It’s good to have something hot to drink. I am thankful for my Vickers java mug. Twenty two ounces of, “Wake up dude!!” This morning the caffeine has to slug it out with the Benadryl that I took last night. So far, Benadryl is winning.

I have tried many things for a thore shroat. Gargling warm saltwater or vinegar is what I grew up with as treatments. Sometimes they even work. I found out that even a regular mouthwash that kills germs is helpful too. Even that is short lived. I wonder if gargling novocain would be a good idea.

I would call in to work sick but that would be silly. My wife and I work from home together.

I am at work, so I better get something done.

Saturday, November 14, 2015

The Darkness of the Void.

The Darkness of the Void.

We get up early around here. But not on Saturdays. I hear the alarm and get up. Turn on the bathroom light for my sweet.  A sleepy “Good morning” and off I go like a happy zombie. Say anything you want to tell me at this time but don’t expect me to understand it, let alone remember what you said an hour later. It’s not quite that way on Saturday mornings. 

I wake sometimes as early as 3:30 and struggle to go back to sleep. Every ten to fifteen minutes I jostle myself awake again. At 5:00 I have had enough and gaze into the darkness of the void. I am the only one awake and it is up to me to  keep it that way until I see my sweet. I don’t want to wake anyone. It’s just not nice. Even K-Dog doesn’t want to get up. 

It’s a good time to read. My glasses are a bit smudgy. No problem, I can just go and… No I have to stay here in the dark void. It’s a good time to blog. No. I would have to leave the room. In my rubber crocks they make sounds like a gassy elephant as I go down the hall way so I better not.

Good thing my dad is up. We text for a while. Mean time he is puttering about his house making his breakfast, making his coffee. He is in Louisiana and I’m in Texas. The aroma of that fresh brewed coffee fills my head. Then I remember, it’s Saturday. I get instant coffee on Saturday. I squint in the darkness looking for any sign of my sweet. 

Dog finally goes outside. While he is outside, I take off my crocks and venture out of the room. She is still asleep. I got back as quickly and as silently as I could. Now K-Dog wants back in. I better open the door before he wakes up anyone else. Once he gets in he goes off to the other room and shakes until his dog tags sound like sleigh bells. He can get away with that you know. 

I think I hear a familiar tune in the darkness. Is that her alarm? I better get the bathroom light on. Another hour goes by and I see the sun rise. All I can think of now is, “I hope she gets up before I start dancing the full bladder polka.”

At last she is up. I wanted her to have all of the sleep she could get, especially now that she has a cold. She reminded me that I have to get ready to go to the men’s breakfast at church this morning. I get good coffee there, by Jimmy!! I look down at my started cup of instant coffee and smile.

Friday, November 13, 2015

I was feeling alright until...

I was feeling alright until...

I was feeling alright until we got to the doctor’s office. Who wants to go to the doctor’s? I know I don’t. I’m in my 50’s so that’s just the way it is. I’ll try to make the best of it though. Anyhow, they had murder and mayhem on TV in the waiting room. Yikes!! Well at least I was able to read my book. About an hour later we were called back. The lady had me step on the scales. I told her that they are not my friends. The scales said that I gained 7 pounds. MAN! Now you know why the scales are not my friends. They always try to hurt my feelings that way.  While we were in the examination room a woman attacked me with an ice pick to check my blood sugar. If she came any faster she would have been checking my reflex and timing me for a land speed record as I ran passed her through the door. 

I told the doctor all about it and he laughed. I told it at lunch and someone almost spewed Dr. Pepper.

Seems like a rather typical day after all.  

Thursday, November 12, 2015

For Supper We Had Plan “B”

For Supper We Had Plan “B”

Don’t you just love it when a recipe plan comes together? I know I do. But, sometimes it doesn’t. I have burned beans twice now in the new cook pot. ARG! Maybe I can blame the new cookware. I am going back to cooking beans in the old pot. I haven’t burned them in the old pot, ever.

Ok, the beans are burned a little. What can I do for plan “B”? They were burned pintoes so it was not hard to change it into burned refried beans. Well, we ate it. We ate some of it, anyway. Over the week I ate the most but we still had to trash far more that I wanted to. I hate to waist food. Don’t you? It happens. 

That would have been a great night for Cee Cee’s Pizza! Have you ever eaten there? I have over eaten there many times. After a bummer like the burned beans, I would over eat there again right then. I like pizza flavored salt. Don’t you? KFC would have been a great choice as well. I would eat a bucket of original recipe legs and thighs all by my lonesome. Yes, I know, but I like fried chicken flavored salt. Don’t you?

I’m not sure where I’m going with this blog. I can talk about my salt restricted diet but I rather not  upset myself that much. I can talk about other culinary catastrophes of mine but I rather not.

Do you like to go out to eat? I know I do. The last time we went out to our favorite Mexican food place I like to have fallen out of the chair when I saw a $3 jump in the price. Shazam! I’m afraid to go back now. It may have jumped again.

Simple Solution to Salary Shortage

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

No more cheese?

No more cheese?

This morning I was making breakfast. MacMuffins are one of our favorite school day breakfasts  around here. I had an order for two. Wee daughter had the full blown thing. It was egg, sausage and cheese in a raisin muffin. I didn’t want an egg. Mine was just the muffin and sausage. I reached in to the fridge  to get the cheese and only had cheese for one. Not a problem. I gave it to her. I’m fine without it but it did get me to thinking about something.

We still have reason for optimism in America. I’m not talking about the mindless, PMA, pagan nonsense you hear from time to time. “Speak positive things to the universe and the universe will send good things to you!” I’m talking about the fact that things are not so bad, just yet. There are grocery stores where you can walk into and find more stuff than you need just to be sure that they can sell you something that you are after. We have car dealerships where you can get the car of your liking and hopefully a payment plan you can live with. For now the gas price is not too bad. Have you ever gone into a Home Depot? I know I have many many times. They have paint, lumber, power tools, tool sheds, ceiling fans, dry wall, all manor or plumbing too… You have the idea. I went into a huge Home Depot one time just to buy a rubber flapper for the commode.

There are things headed in the wrong direction. That is obvious. Something has to be done and it is time we stop looking to someone else to do it. What can we do on a limited budget?

On a limited budget we can’t do very much, can we? We must find some way to change our budget limitations to a surplus. The old adage is true. “It takes money to make money.” As you may know, I am a cautious advocate of  network marketing. In theory it’s a great idea. But when it comes to dealing with people the whole thing starts looking weird. You have to find a company you like, trust and can afford. On top of that you have to find others who see your opportunity as something worth their while. More often than I like, I find lots of desperate marketers who are over stressed while pushing a questionable and undefined opportunity and a product almost but not quite guaranteed to be the the answer to all of your ills, pains and prosperity. The thing that really freaks me out is that so many of these companies look more like cults than they do a business. What’s the deal with that? 

Any and every business starts off small and grows from there.  I worked for a grocery business that started with one store and grew so big that you could see them all over the metroplex and then some. They eventually had three different grocery chains and employed thousands. That took a lot of work, time and money.

We shop at a grocery store that has a loyalty card program and a point system that brings down the price of gasoline for their customers. All of this is used to ensure that we continue to buy groceries and gas from them. That is a great idea. We have saved as much as 50c a gallon at lease once. Yes! We will shop there!

I’m going to finish with the main thing I wanted to tell you about. There is a way that you can go into business for yourself for very little money per month. All this company is looking for is loyal “customers” who will buy two bags of their hi quality snacks each month and find others to do the same. Think of it like a loyally card to a grocery store. Instead of only saving your money Jerky Direct will pay you as a way to say, “Thank you for buying our product and finding others who enjoy it as well.” 

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Call me OCD

Call me OCD but I have to get the trash out by seven o’clock in the morning. No, the trash is not picked up that early. Sometimes they don’t come until after eight. There have been times when the bags waited as long as noon to be picked up. When I was still working they had to be out at seven because we have to be gone on time. Getting it out earlier was no problem but I should not get it out much later than seven, if at all possible.

It may seem silly to you but I have a twinge of embarrassment if I see that I am the last one in the neighborhood to get the trash out. I know that it doesn’t matter. It matters to me. Is it OCD or do I have a fear that we will have to keep the stinky garbage until the next time?

There was a time when I tried putting it out the night before. Bad idea! When you put it our over night your little kitty cat neighbors help themselves to it and they leave everything else for display in the yard and on the street to be collected later.

There have been times when I have had extra stuff for the recyclers. One time I had a bunch that had to get out. Because there was so much of it, I was determined to get it out the night before. The wind was not helpful. I stacked collapsed boxes and tried to weigh them down with the full recycle bin. That wasn’t heavy enough. There was no way on God’s blue marble that I was going to wrestle all of this mess out to the curb in the morning. No one would help me so I fought the war myself.

I am sure that the neighbors had a good laugh at my expense. Cars would zoom by, “Hey look y’all! That dude is having trouble! Lets watch!” 

By the way, this was how I met my future son-in-law. He was bringing first daughter home. I’m sure he enjoyed the show. 

Monday, November 2, 2015

After Wally’s we went to Wally’s

After Wally’s we went to Wally’s

Every month K-Dog needs his HartGuard and Frontline. We buy frontline in a three pack so every three months we have to get more. This is one of those months. We get it a Walmart. It’s a bit cheaper there but not by much.

Some time today or soon we have to go get some more of that stuff. I didn’t know when but I knew it was soon. Maybe we will get it tomorrow. I cooked breakfast, drank first coffee and was walking around the house like a happy zombie. I was not very aware of the world around me just yet. I sat down in the office to write my first blog of the day. I found something in the brain fog that looked like a fun topic to write about so I better get it going before I forget it. With second coffee in hand I started off. 

Several minutes passed and I got the main idea down then I heard,  “Terry! Are you about ready to go?” “Yes, just about.” I haven’t shaved or even changed into my jeans yet. I really should wash my hear but then why? We were only taking sweet daughter to school and then back home, right? I can bathe the fat man when we get back home. “Here I come!” Finished off  my coffee, Snatched up my keys, wallet and headed off socks in crocks to get my phone and get K-Dog in the den. “Don’t forget to comb your hair!”

Seems like we were on the way to the car was when I understood that we were going out in public. Nothing I can do about it now I think over what I am wearing. Yeah, I’m dressed right for Walmart. My baggy blue sweats, dirty hair, socks in crocks and an old t-shirt. Here we go.

It was a foggy morning. In some places it looked down right dangerous. “I hope we don’t hit Nessie in this fog.” Some people on the interstate drive stupid any way but now they can’t hardly see where they are going. Now they drive blind and stupid too. 

On our way beck, we stopped at the Walmart close to home.  We found a handy parking spot right in front. The aroma of fried chicken was filling the air promising that the chicken today will not be as nasty as the day before. I rather not eat anything that gross so soon after breakfast. 

I darted out of the car quickly to snatch the closest  buggy for my sweetie. “Here you are My Sweet!” She pushed the cart and reminded me that there was something I wanted to price while we were there. With a blank expression I looked into her beautiful eyes. The card catalog file in my head was going crazy. “What was it? What was it? What was it?” I thought. “You wanted to look at a cord.” That at least got me to the right subdirectory file. “Cord Cord hmmm” Then she said, “For my phone.” “THAT’S RIGHT!”

She headed for the pet care and I went to the electronics. I hate it that they are playing Christmas music before Thanksgiving. After a while of hunting I finally asked a worker where to find it. She almost knew where it was. My search parameters were narrowed from five aisles down to three. I went from one aisle to the next. I think I found where they should be, “Looks like they would be right there if they had any.” I thought. I don’t like this store.

Finding my sweet lady, she told me that they didn’t have the Frontline. I told her that I think her cord was maybe $15. 

The fog was there to greet us as we left the store. “Should we go to a pet store?” “That would be a whole lot more expensive.”  “We are not far from the Walmart we use to shop at.” “It is too far away.” “We can go home and stop at another Wally’s later after we come back from school before lunch.” I knew that would be a no go. “We’ll go to that Walmart after all.” Through the fog, we went to the next town.

As we came in I was happy that they weren’t playing Christmas music there yet. I miss shopping at this Wally’s. I had tried to recruit folks there with another network marketing deal many years ago. I didn’t like that company but even then I knew I had to do something. I don’t know why but I felt like a con with that company. I don’t remember all on the reasons but it just didn’t seem right. At least with Jerky Direct everything is up and up. Not much to it, there are no weird claims like you would find with some vitamin MLMs. I don’t have to hand out cards to folks that will drop them in the parking lot or trash. 

There was a time long ago when I handed out cards that way. I handed one to some jack donkey  who seemed happy to get it. He walked off and I saw it drop to the floor. “Sir, You dropped this.” “Oh! I did! Thank you so much.” Walking off I turned back and saw it fall again. GRRRR!

Anyway, when we got into the store she went one way and found what she was after. I saw a worker there that I remembered from when we were there every Saturday. It was great to see her familiar friendly face. She and I found plenty of cords! I called up my sweet and told her $10. I miss those days when we could say, “Only $10, let’s get it.” 

Sweet Lady Alarm Clock

Sweet Lady Alarm Clock

Monday morning my sweet lady gets up about the same time I do. Actually, that is on 3 days in the week. I could set the phone alarm to make some awful racket or I could listen for her sweet voice and watch for a light to come on. I like it best when she gets me up like that. The other days I get up and I better not make a sound. 

There has to be a way to get my coffee with out leaving the room where I sleep.  Seems easy enough to get a bottle of water and instant coffee and a few extra ingredients. You know that all I need is a little milk for brewed coffee. Instant needs all of the help it can get.

Open the bottle. Take a big gulp to make room for coffee and friends. Add couple of teaspoons of instant coffee, sweetener and put the lid back on. Shake that dude until you don’t see anything floating in the water. It takes a lot of shaking especially when you put a packet of instant hot chocolate in there too. The water may not be cold but it ain’t hot neither. Nothing wants to dissolve but great efforts bring great rewards. 

In about fifteen to twenty minutes you might have enough of it dissolved. The water is now a skank nasty sweet black liquid of 100% USDA grossness. But now, what do I do about the milk?

Simple Solution to Salary Shortage

Sunday, November 1, 2015

The Blues of November First

The Blues of November First

It comes every year. It started when our first born was too old for trick or treat any way. It is a strange thing to ponder and it is stranger the older I get the more I think about it. We never lived in a neighborhood where I would feel safe to do trick or treat when our’s were little even if we wanted to. We lived as cheaply as we could in order to keep them in a Christian school. 

There was a time when I would come out flat footed and say that Halloween and anything related to it should be avoided. I never taught the kids to fear it though. The main thing was that is wasn’t Christian. As a Christian I see in the Bible that we win over the enemy. Why celebrate the looser? Many will tell you that Halloween is satanic. What of Halloween is and what events on October 31st is not? It is always a good time to have fun with your kids. You just don’t want to give the enemy credit for your fun. I am just not sure where this line is clearly drawn any more. 

In the 80’s there were no churches that we knew of that had a non halloween carnival for the kids to enjoy. I looked into it. That would have been fun. We had gone to maybe one back then. Seems like I was a clown in a carnival too. That was almost fun. Maybe have been two events we went to. I worked a lot back then. More often than not, a holiday was just a day that customers came in to buy more stuff and I was there.

When I see pictures of the grandkids all decked out in fun cute costumes I wished there was events where we could have done that with our kids. Not enough opportunity, not enough money and nothing we could have done about it. 

If it was available back then I would have worked a Jerky Direct business. As a grandpa I don’t want to miss a thing.



I had all I could sleep and I can’t sleep no more. Everyone else is still sleeping. This is the day we change our clocks back to regular time. That extra hour of sleep must be nice. To me, that means that I am up even earlier than my oft times early time. Everyone else can sleep longer than I can. I wish I had my coffee.

After I convinced myself that sleeping was futile, I got up. Even K-Dog didn’t want to go out to the yard yet. Sneaking around the house in my rubber clogs I try not to wake anyone. Do your clogs fart? Mine do. In the darkness of the early morning that can be very loud. With great stealth I make it to the office. I wish I had my coffee.

Now for my next trick. I like to keep the computer on mute for just such of a time as this. The loud “BONG” would wake up the others before they want to wake up. Well guess what. I didn’t want to get up so early myself. I wish I had my coffee.

Well, the computer was quiet when I turned it on. Push that button and you are committed. It’s coming on bong or no bong. I wonder what I will write about this morning. K-Dog likes to get under the desk when I am here. It’s even too early for him to be up and about. I can get my coffee now!  My sweet lady is up.

I woke her up as I was sneaking down the hall way a while ago. I hate that but not as much as she did. Fed the dog and started the coffee. She is putting chicken in the crock pot for Sunday lunch.  Daughter is still sleeping. Dog is in his chair near the kitchen. I’m going to blog in a minute, once I figure out what to write about. I wish my coffee was ready.


In the way again at the sink. She needed the sink and I am getting my coffee. My 32oz thermal coffee mug from Vickers gas station is once again full of coffee and soon I will be too. “Wake me up coffee! I have a blog to write.”

Here I sit with no idea just yet. Another big swig of hot joe may do the trick. Maybe it won’t just yet. It tastes good though. A mug of coffee with a splash of whole milk is the way I like it best. Some times I add chocolate. Sometimes I add vanilla. With just a little milk is how I like it best of all. I wish my coffee would kick in and wake up my imagination. 

Soon the wonderful sound and smell of bacon will fill the house doing it’s Sunday morning dance with eggs and toast. My sweet cooks a great Sunday morning breakfast and even better Sunday lunch. She has a magic touch when ever she makes my coffee too. 

I’m going to have this mug drained before I come up with any idea of what to blog about. Maybe another gulp will just do the trick. 


That was quite delicious. Wee little doggie rested his chin on my lap hoping to get a nibble. Are you kidding? I’m happy to get this breakfast and I’m going to eat all of it myself. “You have your breakfast over yonder! Go eat that, goofy dog.”

Second coffee in hand and the first coffee in belly along with the other goodies. I am awake and ready to go! I will start this blog right after my nap.