May Not Be What They Told You
People say a lot about many things. Face it, we all like to think we have the full picture when we really don’t. Opinion trumps facts all of the time. Lets examine this more realistically and see it for what it is.
Get rich or Get rich quick scheme
The two opposing views are both misleading. The idea that you can get rich while working a network marketing business is true. However, working towards a decent income is more feasible. If you want to be rich there are many other ways to do that as well. When you are told that something is a get rich quick SCHEME there is an element of dishonesty implied. It is unfortunate that this method of business has been scarred by dishonest people.
Basically, what is network marketing?
It all boils down to this. Network marketing is a method to reward loyal customers through a payment plan.
Let’s say that you have come up with a product to sell. You can sell it to and through stores. They stock the shelves with your product alongside other products from other companies. If you sell your product this way, you are providing jobs. That is a good thing. What if you want to sell through a network marketing plan? Customers sign up and become “distributers” of your product. As long as the mark up on your products is reasonable, there is enough prophet to pay your distributers and move your products along. If you sell your products this way you provide opportunity. That is a better thing.
You are only in it for the money!
Isn’t that what business is about? If someone came up to you at your job and accused you of working there only for the money would you turn down your pay checks? What would happen if you send your utility bills back unpaid accusing them of providing services only for the money? Soon you would have to do without those services.
Network marketing is a great business concept!
An honest business with reasonable product claims and a fair payment plan is what to look for. I like Jerky Direct. They have a simple plan and a tasty product. This is the most basic and honest network marketing business that I have ever seen. It is as simple as 1,2,3.
1 Sign up and you will receive two bags of snacks every month.
2 Sign up others to receive two bags of snacks every month, like you did.
3 Encourage them to sign up others receive two bags of snacks every month in the same way.
If you want more details come to If you rather ask me, you can find me on FaceBook.
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