War in the Heavens
Last night our little house shook under the mighty
thunder. Every house quivered as though
they were terrified at the storm. Lightening
illuminated the neighborhood like the noonday sun. Sheets of rain washed over our suburban town
in mighty torrents. Wee little K-Dog was
vigilant as he listened to every sound.
Being a German shepherd / beagle mix he is very protective of us
especially when little families walk past the house or if he saw a stray dog a
block away. This time it’s against the very
He barked at the window.
He whined to get out the back door.
My sweet wife was up and down. He was in and out. That went on all night. By 2:00 she could no longer sleep. Between the storm and K-Dog, she had a very
rough night.
Me? Shamefully
enough, I slept right through it.
I think he still sees himself as a yard dog. lol