Friday, January 2, 2015



What would I do without coffee?  What would I do?  Not much, I can tell you that.  Ok I take it back.  Well, part of it I will anyway.  Always good to get a caffeine “kick-in-the-head” each morning.  But why is that?

I’d rather be busy than bored.  There is only so much TV I can handle.  I have to be constructive in something.  Laundry is covered.  Breakfast is cooked served and cleaned up.  Dog had his chance to go out.

Ready for more coffee.  I feel a gripe coming on. 

Got it.  Maybe, that will set things right.  This is my third tall Styrofoam cup of morning elixir.  My coffee is not high octane.   This is maybe half caffeine.  Kick ain’t there like it was if I had gotten up earlier. 

High-octane days are Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday.  School is out and so is my caffeine schedule. 

Starting to feel the power!  WHERE IS MY GOAL LIST?  Ha!  YES!!!  Ready to rock and roll now!

Are you ready for the day?  Got your goals in hand?  Time to read?  Time to work?  Time to pray?  Lots to do and little time to do it!

[Sugar count was 119]

A good day is a day of accomplishments.


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