Saturday, January 10, 2015

All right! So I did it again.

All right!  So I did it again.

I ranted, I fussed, I fumed, and I’ve even pitched a hissy fit over this.  I was so mad I could spit fire.  Even after all that, I went and did it again anyway.  And I told my wife and anyone who would listen that I was through with that stuff.

What is it?  Well, in retirement we came to the point to where we need a growing income.  There is a limit to what Grandma and PawPaw can actually do now a days.  Live long enough and you will know what I mean.

Along with our physical restraints there is now demands on our time.  This is NOT always a bad thing.  Truthfully, it is oft times a GREAT thing.  Who could turn down a visit to see the grandkids?  All Grandma has to say is that “they” need us to watch the grandkids today and I am in the car RIGHT NOW.

I don’t care what they tell you.  If you can’t find away to have an income that will grow, retirement can become scary and uncertain.

I don’t like the idea of being a greeter at Walmart.  I can’t start anything at the pay I got before.

What have you looked into?  I talked to a nice lady who sells Avon.  As far as I know, everyone likes and accepts Avon reps. I pray she does well but I couldn’t sell that.  Women folk do best with that.  If you ever want to clear the room, whisper AmWay.  You will be all alone in 15 seconds flat.  No, I’m not doing AmWay.

YES, dadgummit, I am back into MLM!  What can I do with it?  I could play hide and seek as I search for others who could possibly like the program I am in.  Once I get them in I have to keep pumping them up to keep them going.  I could go toe to toe hollering at some jack donkey as we argue over who has the best program or product.  “My dog is better than your dog!!!”  In one way or another, they all seem counter productive. 

What I am in now may not be top dog but there are a few things about it that look good.  So many businesses would cost you hundreds of dollars each month; this one is $20 a month.  In other businesses you may have to recruit several busloads before you get enough income to offset your monthly expense of the business.  With this you need 3.

You get 3.  They get 3.  Their 3 get 3 into infinitum, or down to your 10th level whichever comes first.  Simple?  Yes.  So many have muddied up the swimming hole to the point that people are afraid to dive in because of the hidden stumps.  It also reminds me of Proverbs 1: 8-19.  It is a contrast between listening to the wisdom of your father and mother or joining up with highway robbers who ambush anyone who walks by.

OK. I made the simple plain.  Yes, there is much more in depth information you can go through.  However you want to cut it, all you need to do is find 3 who find 3…

All I can add it that I will no longer hound folks to join.  If I get my 3 I don’t want to feel like I had to trick them into it.

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