Monday, February 2, 2015

What is “Truth?”

What is “Truth?”

Junior high school math teacher handed back the graded tests we took the day before.  I got mine.  It wasn’t good news.  Maybe if I was a better philosopher at the time I could have explained to her that my truth may be different from her truth so therefor I should have been given an A for my test and not a D.

Funny thing is that I like math now.  It plays a big part in the way I view things.  You might say that I like to use logic in many explanations of situations and understandings concerning the world around me. 

The study of “truth” is a very huge undertaking.  By its very nature truth is absolute.  If truth is not absolute it is no longer true.  If my truth is different from absolute truth I believe a lie.  That is how it is with everyone.  No matter how much work we put out to prove that our brand of truth is valid it becomes nothing more than a preference and not truth.  Truth is absolute.

My mother use to say that I would argue with a stump.  You know what?  She was right.  I thought if I argued hard enough, that would make my argument right.  What do you think?  The airwaves are filled with all kind of arguments.  Each one is trying to out shout the opposing broadcasts.  Who is right?  I venture to say that they are all wrong in one-way or another.  Thing is, I know I am right and that makes everyone else wrong.  Isn’t that silly?  Truth cannot be moved.  Truth stands in opposition to all opposing views securely and unmovable.  It does not matter what we believe.  Truth is the truth despite what we see or believe.      

Have you ever heard that what was true back then is not necessarily true today?  That is so funny if you really think about it.  Truth is transcendent in time.  Time has no effect on truth.  Time may have everything to do with our understanding of the truth but not on truth itself.  If you have a desire to find and know the truth, be ready to find your views to be wrong at every turn.  Truth is always true and never a matter of opinion.

There is nothing more ambiguous than so called spiritual truth.  Spiritual truth is like noses.  We all have at least one.  We all pick the one we have.  That came out funny but you know what I mean.  We are pacified to entertain the spiritual truth we like today.  We may like a different one next week.  In order to believe this we have to flush away whatever brain we have left.  May I use a better term at this point?  Instead of “spiritual truth” lets use “eternal truth.”  After all that is what we are dealing with.  Your eternity is depending on you finding the eternal truth.

What is the eternal truth?  Let me toss a few thoughts your way.  Every religion made by man depends on what we do or don’t do in order for God, a god or gods to like us well enough to take us to a better place than the one we leave at death.  Why is this?  It’s because we are messed up and we know it.  We do not meet the standard set before us.  Truth be known, we do not even meet up with the standards we set for ourselves.  We are so messed up how can we even claim to have it figured out? 

What can we do?  Is there anything you can do?  Are you absolutely sure that will do the trick?  Remember, we are dealing with absolute, immoveable truth.  Is there anything accomplishable by man that can make up for a lifetime of failed efforts to reach the unreachable?  If you can do that you are better than all of the rest of us.  We all are found guilty before God.  We all deserve the worst eternity in great torments without end in a place where there is no rescue available.  There is nothing we can do about it.

The only thing that can be done would have to be done by God in our behalf.  Did He do anything that would help us?  My big question is, “why would He bother?”  We have no right to even expect that He would help us at all.  There are many who cry, “God is not fair!”  Have you ever given much thought about that one?  Who can accuse God of anything?  What court can you take your case to?  The fact must be established that God is real and that God is the one ultimately in charge.  God then is the ultimate, unmovable standard and truth. 

Do not be fooled by the so-called atheists.  They say that God is not real.  They say that they do not believe there is a God.  They know He is real.  They know that they will have to stand before Him in judgment.  How do I know this?  It is very easy to prove.  They try to remove the mention of God in every public and private place they can.  They cringe at the mention of God.  If they did not believe that God is real it would not matter to them how often He is mentioned in any place.   If you mention Him in a public chat room they attack.   If you make mention of Him anywhere, someone will be offended and may come after you.  Logically, the proof that they do not believe there is a God would be found in their lack of argument rather than the existence there of.  They would in one accord say, “Eat drink and be merry for tomorrow we die.”  Let me say it this way.  Linus believes in the great pumpkin.  So what?  I am not the least bit offended, are you? 

With that said we press on in search of a remedy for our condition. 

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