Sunday, January 17, 2016

Paper or Plastic

Paper or Plastic

Paw Paw got a job. Yes I did. I prayed for a job. I was given a job. My prayer of thanks has quickly become a  prayer for help. This is the kind of work that I had done for 22 years. There were days that I thought it would kill me. There were days when it almost did. I don’t so much blame the job as I blame myself. The way I looked at it was like this. I couldn’t stand a job half done. I couldn’t stand a job poorly done. I couldn’t stand a job left undone. “Stay out of my way! I will do it myself!” And I did it too! I pressured myself to be in 3 or more places at the same time, and pushed myself to do 3 or more things at the same time. I had a do list in mind that screamed at me until I got it all done before time to leave.

Thursday I was given a uniform shirt, a sealed package of material and was sent to orientation on Saturday. My sweetie took me all of the way to the other side of Arlington for orientation. “Here I go again.” I was in a classroom with many others. Some were half my age. No, they were closer to a third my age. Our teacher was very good. She spoke clearly and made everything understandable. We went through that packet. Everyone had theirs very neat. I had mine scattered several times. “Is this the sheet we are working on now? No! They have a different sheet. Do I sign this here? Wait. Mine doesn’t look like the one they have. OH! We did that one already? I’ll put it over here. I get the white sheet and they get the others? NO! I get the pink and all of the others go with the packet for them. Still not right. I keep the packet with the paper work on pink sheets along with the books and other things. Where were we?”

I am glad to have this job. As hard as it was on me before, how much harder can it be now that I am 57? This will indeed be a challenge. I am only part time. Is that a good thing or a bad thing? I need all of the hours that I can get but my concern has to do with my capability to work the hours that I am given. 

One fun thing is that I will have more new things to write about. What crazy things will happen there? Stay tune and we will see.  

I have begun a new thing online called “Skeptical Curmudgeon.” That will be very different from “Paw Paw Terry.” I hope you enjoy it too.

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